Saturday, January 11, 2014

Betty MacDonald and The Egg and I


Betty MacDonald fan club fans & Roland,

you can see some photos and stories in Betty MacDonald fan club newsletter Dezember 2011.

Therefore I  was aware of  Betty MacDonald's enormous Xmas trees.

You can see Betty MacDonald, her family and her decorations.
I hope to see more photos and info in Wolfgang Hampel's updated Betty MacDonald biography.

I'm posting a very interesting link regarding Betty MacDonald's The Egg and I.

My parents have chickens and I could buy some chicken jackets. Should I? They might think I'm crazy.

I'd love to send a gift to Betty MacDonald fan club honor member Mr. Tigerli because I'm so fond of his Xmas gift.

Mr. Tigerli is such a darling and so are Letizia Mancino and Mary Holmes.



Betty MacDonald - The  Egg and I

Wolfgang Hampel