Thursday, December 12, 2013

Betty MacDonald fan club Xmas surprise


Betty MacDonald fan club fans,

a very good advice.

We have a Betty MacDonald fan club Xmas surprise for our fans and members.

Therefore visit Betty MacDonald fan club blog every day and don't miss this unique Betty MacDonald fan club surprise.

We ask a question and the first Betty MacDonald fan who knows the answer is the winner.
Don't miss it please. You'll receive more info very soon.

Betty MacDonald fan club honor member Mr. Tigerli is the next ESC winner with this great song.
I love the lyrics.

Oh Tontolo! Oh Tontolo!

I heard Betty MacDonald fan club founder Wolfgang Hampel will be honor guest at the next international Betty MacDonald fan club event in 2014.

What's about Tontolo?  ( whatever it means )

That's not the Betty MacDonald fan club Xmas surprise but the one who knows the meaning of the wonderful italian word  Tontolo is going to receive a special Mr. Tigerli surprise.

Come on, please I'd love to know the meaning of Tontolo!



Wolfgang Hampel

Betty MacDonald forum

Betty MacDonald links